Bar Mirage 海市蜃樓酒吧

台南 – 商業空間 – 透天厝 – 40坪

模糊空間界線是我們對於這設計案的概念 ,簡單來說,我們希望這空間有區劃,但又不這麼明顯,就像在戶外的露營體驗,營區應該是對這樣子的空間最好的詮釋,所以將戶外的景色搬入室內, 做出了一些超現實的呈現,將一切看似不屬室內的景物都搬入了空間當中 , 非典型酒吧設計我們稱為「海市蜃樓」 。





在客座的區劃上,我們劃分了三區,分別為碎石區,木地台包廂區和吧檯座位區,有露營經驗的朋友一定都知道那種邊聊天邊在地上撿石頭往前丟的體驗吧,我們複製了一個相同的行為體驗在座位區當中 ,在吧檯酒架的設計上我們使用露營時會使用到的用具來取代傳統的固定方式,藉由營繩與綁帶來完成酒架固定,省去了天花板的製作,由露營用的天幕來取代,在室內模擬出日光灑在天幕上的柔和光源,整體光源更佳的自然柔和。



Bar Mirage Design Concept

The concept of blurred spatial boundaries is the cornerstone of our design for this project. Simply put, we aim for distinct zones within the space, yet not so clearly delineated, much like the experience of camping outdoors. The campsite serves as the best interpretation of such a space, so we’ve brought outdoor scenery indoors, creating some surreal presentations. Everything seemingly not belonging to the indoors is incorporated into the space. We term this atypical bar design “Bar Mirage.”

Bringing the outdoors into indoor spaces is the main theme we’ve pursued in this design. We present natural elements within the space through materiality. Due to this design approach, most of our surfaces maintain the natural appearance of the building materials, reducing the use of synthetic fabrics.

Looking at the exterior of the building, large floor-to-ceiling windows and high ceilings are its inherent advantages. From the initial visit to the site, we were very impressed. As Taipei locals, it’s rare for us to encounter such a “premium-quality” design space. So, we had a bold idea: to bring a surreal giant moon indoors, creating an indoor landscape. We want every patron in Bar Mirage to experience a sense of surrealism.

7:00 PM Hai’an Road has always been a classic presence in Tainan. When you think of Hai’an Road, you think of beer and barbecue. People unwind from the day’s fatigue, gathering on the streets for drinks and conversation. Our design is located here. Transitioning from the main road into an alley, you arrive at the first floor of Bar Mirage. In a city filled with concrete and bricks, we’ve arranged large areas of birch wood panels as a showcase, complemented by the enterprise logo of Bar Mirage to guide patrons. Upon reaching the second floor, patrons’ attention is drawn to the surreal giant moon. It’s a fascinating experience. Patrons have shared their experiences: the moon, seemingly familiar, yet so large right before their eyes, feels incredibly unreal. Truly befitting of Bar Mirage. In terms of seating arrangements, we’ve divided the space into three zones: the gravel zone, the wooden platform booth zone, and the bar seating area. Friends with camping experience will surely recognize the experience of chatting while picking up stones and throwing them forward on the ground. We’ve replicated a similar experience in the seating area. For the design of the bar shelves, we’ve used camping equipment instead of traditional fixtures. By using ropes and straps to secure the shelves, we’ve eliminated the need for ceiling construction, replacing it with the canopy used for camping. We simulate the gentle sunlight shining on the canopy indoors, creating a more natural and soft overall light source.

10:00 PM Under the chemical reaction of alcohol, the relationship between spaces gradually blurs, forming a reaction akin to a mirage, as if one is within the natural environment.